Rob DaRocha
Rob was born in New Orleans, Los Angeles and was raised by a single mom. Contrary to popular belief and unfounded assumptions, he is NOT white. He is actually half El Salvadorian and half Brazilian.
He began his stand-up comedy career in his…
He began his stand-up comedy career in his…
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Kristy Quinn
Kristy Quinn is a comedian and YouTuber from the South Side of Chicago. With her fierce delivery and energy, Kristy is a force to be reckoned with in comedy. Kristy quickly made a name for herself in stand-up sharing the stage with the likes of…
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Sergio Novoa
Sergio started stand up in San Francisco, CA, and now lives in LA. He has been making people laugh everywhere from local bars to the Punch Line SF, Cobb’s Comedy, Tommy T’s and the Hollywood Improv. Personal trainer, entrepreneur,…
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