Gareth Reynolds

Gareth Reynolds

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Gareth Reynolds' Bio

Gareth Reynolds is an internationally touring Stand-up Comedian whose brilliantly clever

quips perfectly offset Dave Anthony’s hilarious snark on their smash-hit podcast THE DOLLOP

which garners over 5 Million downloads every month.

Gareth has written on ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT, FLAKED and HOOPS for NETFLIX as well as

YOU’RE THE WORST on FX, previous to that he wrote on COMEDY CENTRAL sitcom IDIOTSITTER,

took the lead on ABC show HAIL MARY and has been seen on IFC’s MARON.

His debut stand-up album will be released late 2019 on Comedy Dynamics.

Originally hailing from the sweet streets of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Gareth moved to Los Angeles

and starred in NBC’s THE REAL WEDDING CRASHERS which was as creatively stimulating as it was

successful. Through that show he began producing and writing his own material, eventually

making shows at COMEDY CENTRAL, the TRAVEL CHANNEL, and MTV.

He also has a cat named Jose.