Dylan Brody
Dylan Brody's Bio
An internationally acclaimed award-winning playwright, humorist, author, filmmaker and the executive producer of the microbudget feature film LockDown 2020, now gathering a veritable bouquet of laurels and screenings worldwide (co-produced with Bonnie freaking hunt!), Mr. Brody contributes regularly to the journal of modern humor, American Bystander and has appeared many times providing commentary for KPCC’s OFF RAMP. His latest anthology, RELATIVELY PAINLESS continues to break hearts and bring laughter to readers everywhere. He has toured internationally with a solo show based on his award-winning special, Dylan Brody’s Driving Hollywood and is the first person his literary hero David Sedaris ever felt comfortable inviting to share his stage; Brody has performed with David in California cities from San Diego to Berkeley.
An IMPROV ‘regular’ since he was seventeen and not allowed to drink at the NY clubs where he learned his craft as a comic and a joke writer, he has gone on to become one of the world’s finest story-tellers. A martial arts master, writing coach and workshop facilitator and now studying to become a bard and advocating for the arts and sciences as ancient magics to be respected, revered and used for the good of humanity.
An IMPROV ‘regular’ since he was seventeen and not allowed to drink at the NY clubs where he learned his craft as a comic and a joke writer, he has gone on to become one of the world’s finest story-tellers. A martial arts master, writing coach and workshop facilitator and now studying to become a bard and advocating for the arts and sciences as ancient magics to be respected, revered and used for the good of humanity.