Damn Fool

Damn Fool

Damn Fool's Bio

His mom always said “You’ll never make it in life being a damn fool”. And usually mothers are right, but “Damn Fool” is already proving her wrong and showing the world that anyone can learn something from someone - even a “Damn Fool”. Born Kevin Simpson, –His fiery onstage energy and visual stories have earned him spots on some of television’s most prestigious comedy shows; including appearances on P. Diddy’s Bad Boys of Comedy, Bill Bellamy’s Who’s Got Jokes, The monique show BET's comic view and a host of others tv shows festivals and showcases. Most recently he was cast on HBO MAX hit sitcom the Southside. . Prefacing the adage, “I Just Think Different,” he shares his unique views with audiences, bringing each character to life in a way that only Damn Fool can do. Dedicated to spreading his brand of humor across the country and abroad, Damn Fool is poised to become a venerable force in the entertainment world... A force not to be reckoned with.