Dévyan DuMon

Dévyan DuMon

Dévyan DuMon's Bio

"Take Dévyan too seriously, & you missed the point, take him too lightly, & you weren't paying attention"

~ Ryan Ewecub

.. Star of Indie films & award-winning online content, in ADDITION to starting his own production company in 2019, [firewaterz], Dévyan DuMon is one of those performers who truly 'makes it look easy'. From the politically serious, to the socially riotous, he'll put a spark in your heart, & a smile on your face .. "Certain things bother EACH of us, so let it out in a laugh now, or a grey hair later .. you decide"

● WINNER: “Best of Phoenix”, formerly the premiere stand-up competition in AZ. Currently a “hired-gun” who tightens up & elevates scripts for studios, as well as independent filmmakers, and a regular face in the Hollywood Improv scene. Most often randomly recognized as the current emcee of L.A.'s Legendary Turtle Races in Marina del Rey, for the last 4yrs

(minus you-know-what)

Find everywhere..


..whether you need a Comic, Writer, Actor, or Producer, he's BOOKable AND BANKable!