Colin Coughlin
Colin Coughlin's Bio
Colin is an award-winning comedian, actor, and writer (senior year high school football MVP, unrelated to comedy or the arts). Originally from New York, Colin began his comedy career at the very young age of 6 when he called into the local radio station to tell a knock-knock joke in order to win a toy yo-yo. His failure led him into the dark depths of a nearly 20-year hiatus away from comedy before returning to the stage in the back room of a bar in Poughkeepsie, New York. Now, an LA-based comedian, Colin performs as much as he's allowed and always guarantees he will do his absolute best. He recently launched two shows on YouTube ("Cooking with Colin" & "Soft Serve") that he's begging you to watch so he doesn't have to go back to waiting tables - not that there's anything wrong with that he just really didn't enjoy it.