Celeste Barber
Celeste Barber's Bio
Actor, Comedian, and Social Media Super Star Celeste Barber is the self proclaimed queen of everyday sophistication and low budget lifestyle aspirations.
Her meteoric rise on Instagram, parodying celebrity photographs, has resulted in her taking meetings with top moguls of the entertainment industry and awkwardly becoming friends with the very people she is parodying.
And after a Sold Out Australian Tour #CelesteChallengeAccepted Live is coming to America!
In this exciting live show experience Celeste explains the story behind some of her most famous images, her new relationship with famous people, and the stalkers, fans and comments that get under her skin.
Hailed as The Funniest Woman on Instagram, Celeste also hits us with a healthy dose of humour, as she explains some of the pit falls of being married to someone so much hotter than her (shoutout to #hothusband) and what its like to be an Anti Influencer.
Her meteoric rise on Instagram, parodying celebrity photographs, has resulted in her taking meetings with top moguls of the entertainment industry and awkwardly becoming friends with the very people she is parodying.
And after a Sold Out Australian Tour #CelesteChallengeAccepted Live is coming to America!
In this exciting live show experience Celeste explains the story behind some of her most famous images, her new relationship with famous people, and the stalkers, fans and comments that get under her skin.
Hailed as The Funniest Woman on Instagram, Celeste also hits us with a healthy dose of humour, as she explains some of the pit falls of being married to someone so much hotter than her (shoutout to #hothusband) and what its like to be an Anti Influencer.