Maxi Witrak

Maxi Witrak

Hollywood Improv (The Lab)

Sat Jun 15
Secretly Trashed! Seven comedians, one is secretly trashed ft. Shang, Maxi Witrak, Ahmed Al-Kadri, Logan Guntzelman, Sam Mamaghani and Monty Geer!

Maxi Witrak's Bio

Maxi Witrak is an open book with a few pages torn out.

After a sheltered upbringing complete with show ponies (that’s right, Maxi was a World Champion Equestrian) and controlling mom-ager, her stand-up comedy speaks about ditching privilege and going after teenage dreams immediately after graduating college. Now she’s a drummer for a pop punk band, with the fashion sense of a 17 year old raised by brothers. This part-tomboy, part grunge-goddess from Seattle faces adulthood with unbridled disappointment.